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      1. Welcome to Ningxia Taikang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. website!
        Service Tel

        Foreign Trade:18995223366 Domestic Trade:18995262626

        Hot keywords:Calcium Carbide Calcium Cyanamide Dicyandiamide Electronic grade Dicyandiamide Cyanamide

        Publicity │ Publicity of Ningxia Taikang Pharmaceutical Co., LTD. 's 2020 annual product carbon footprint and plant carbon verification


        According to the "Greenhouse Gas Emission Assessment Code for Goods and Services over the Life Cycle" (2011) standard, the carbon footprint of the 2020 series products is 1.27 tons of CO2 / ton.

        Ningxia Taikang Pharmaceutical Co., LTD

        August 1, 2021

        Contact us


        Foreign Trade:18995223366 Domestic Trade:18995262626
        Email: E-mail;sales1@nxdadi.com
        Address: Shizuishan Ecological Economic Development Zone, Pingluo County, Shizuishan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China

        Copyright(C)2023, Ningxia Taikang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Supported by  ChemNet ChinaChemNet Toocle?

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